Monday 31 October 2011

Codes And Conventions Of A Horror

Codes And Conventions Of A Horror - Presentation Transcript

  1. Codes and Conventions of a Horror
  2. Example of Horror Films
    • “ Psycho”- Psychological
    • “ The shining”- Psychological
    • “ The exorcist”- Religious
    • “ Wolf Creek”- True story
    • “ The Decent”- Monster/Gore
    • “ Saw”- Psychological- gore
    • “ Texas Chainsaw Massacre”- Gore
  3. Horror film
    • Horror Films are unsettling films designed to;
    • Frighten and panic
    • Cause dread and alarm
    • Invoke our hidden worst fears
    • Captivate and entertain us in a cathartic experience.
    • Often conclude in a terrifying shocking Finale.
  4. Fears created by horrors
    • For different types of audiences it can deal with our fears;
    • Nightmares
    • Our vulnerability
    • Alienation
    • Revulsions
    • Terror of the unknown
    • Fear of death
    • Loss of identity
    • Fear of sexuality
  5. Characters
    • There's always a lead character, that often results as the survivor in the film.
    • The Killer/ monster often has a trademark characteristic in the way he kills, for example the people he kills or the weapon he uses to kill them.
    • Its usually good against evil, the two characters conflict.
    • The outcome is the good person always survives, or defeats the “bad guy.

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