Monday 10 October 2011

Swot chart for...

The horror film market is a strong genre which appeals to a wide range of audiences, but mainly young people. which is a strong market to appeal for as young people are usually the type of audience which will visit the cinema regular and spend a fair amount of money on.

The weakness' would be that this film would have a fairly low budget and wont have top Hollywood actors in, also that it may not be as well advertised against films that will be coming out at the same time.


  • Halloween is coming up. 
  • Relatively wide range of audience. 
  • Mainly appeals to young people which is one of the best markets to appeal to.
  • Low budget which makes it easier to break even. 


  • Other films in this genre would be coming out at the time. 
  • Unknown director. 
  • Not top actors will be in the film. 
  • Low budgets. 
  • Up against films which have much higher budgets. 

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