Monday 9 January 2012


1.       How many times a year do you visit the cinema a year?
A  0-3 IIIII
B  4-8 II
C  9-20 II
D  30+ I
2.       In a year do you visit the cinema…
A  Daily
B  Weekly II
C  Fortnightly I 
D  Monthly III
E  Every Couple of Months III 
F   Never I
3.       Favourite Genre of Film?
A  Action III
B  Horror IIIII
C  Comedy I
D  Romance I 
E   Children’s
4.       What Sub-Genre of Horror Do You Prefer?
A  Supernatural II
B  Surreal I
C  Psychological II
D  Extreme II
E  Erotic Horror II
F  Thriller I

5.       Where do you find out about films and see advertisements for the film?
A  Television IIII
B  Posters and Billboards II
C  Cinema II
D  Internet I
E  Word of Mouth I 
6.       Who do you go cinema with?
A  Family III
B  Friends IIIII
C  Colleagues I
D  Other I

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